Our 6th Month together =3

So after the drama, the crying, the multiple suicidal plans and the complaining, we finally survived through the...

*Drum rolls please*


To be honest, I didn't have a lot of hope for this mainly because it was only the 6th month and not the anniversary. 

But I was wrong.

Completely swept/blown away from all the things he did for me that day/night.

It was the most romantic night i had in my entire life.

So that day, we spent the afternoon walking around orchard rd and caught a movie before dinner.

Guess where was the dinner heldddd?


how nice... =)

just like our 1st date when he brought me to 1-altitude for dinner and then to marina barrage to watch the stars.

So anyway, we had a really nice dinner with champagne and raspberry soufflé for dessert. 

OMG i swear it was the funniest thing I heard in my entire life.

While ordering, we saw that there was this "souffle of the day" and we decided to ask what it was.

The waitress, apparently from China, kept saying "rat curry"

Should have seen the looks on our faces!

Anyway, no pictures of us there because camwhoring there is COMPLETELY UNCOOL AND NOT CLASSY.

So after dinner, we went back to his house because he said he has something else for me.

He told me to wait in the car and wait for his call. 

I was like o.O?? 

But anyway, I still waited for his cue to leave the car.

After about 15min, I got a text message from him to enter the house.

I went up and found a note on his door and it went a little like this

When I opened the door, I found him at his piano, with lit candles all over the living room.

Pure romance


He later played the song he composed for me.. 

For that moment, I could hardly move. Just enjoying the music he played for me.



Oh, and he also wrote a poem for me 

and it goes like this

It's 3 hours to the 6 of November,
The day that together, we'll remember forever,
But now you're in my house, locked up in my room,
Making me work, for what I can assume,
So i'll still love you anyway, my sweet pretty girl,
I'll give you this extra line, and the rest of my world


basically, I forced him to write a poem and locked him in the living room till he was done with all the tasks=P

It was a game I made up. Like a treasure hunt where he has to complete tasks and find the slips of paper to the clue to the password to open the door and also to the next location. 

It was so hilariously fun and entertaining.

Anyway, it was the most memorable night I ever had =)

Love you baby!
Friday, October 12, 2012 @ 11:47 PM / 0 daisies

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