Why Girls Go Crazy and Guys Are Retarded
Always wondered why girls are so fickle minded and always saying "nothing" when there is obviously something?here's a guide for you guys out there. (disclaimer: i'm only saying all these based on personal experience, MAY NOT APPLY TO ALL GIRLS)
What we say: Pink
What we're thinking: purple
What you guys do: Blue
What PISSES us off because of that: Red
1) "Nothing"
There is something that we really wanna say but somehow we don't wanna ruin the day or make you pissed off by saying it. We are secretly hoping you guys would keep on prompting and NICELY ask what is bothering us.
Do nothing and assume NOTHING means NOTHING. But then, guys nowadays are getting smarter (but not that smart yet). Most guys will ask for like 2min and give up. But obviously, that's not we want. Tip: keep asking NICELY like "baby, I want to know what's on your mind. I know something is bothering you. Share it with me so we can solve it together." Most girls will give in. Unless it's really nothing then, too bad dude. Some girls may be a lil tough to chew so if they show signs of getting pissed or annoyed, give her a hug and tell her you love her and you are always there to listen to her.
What pisses us off is when the guy seriously assumes that nothing is wrong. Shows how much they care about their girl.
2) a. Fine -___- **90% of the time**(Things to note: flat face, sharp tone, raised eyebrows, shrugged shoulders)
It's NOT fine. We don't want you to do whatever you told us. When we say "fine" with all the little hints like giving a flat face, we're actually trying to subtly tell you that we are totally NOT COOL about it. We say fine because we want to respect your decision, but it doesn't mean we approve of it. There are reasons why we don't want to. For example: if a guy wants to have a night out with his friends and we girls want to just sit and cuddle on the couch because we JUST WANT TO (i know it may sound a bit selfish), we say "FINE" mainly because we want to have some company instead of eating ice cream alone on the couch while the guy goes out drinking with his friends. Gettit? TIP: Sit next to her, tell her "Baby, you know, on second thought, I don't think i'll _____________, i'd rather be here with you. Let's watch TV/a movie together." (Note: this is reverse psychology and may not always work. Unless you are really ready to cancel the appointment, do not do this) or "Baby, I won't be home late. I'll keep texting you ok?" and explain to her that ________ is very important to you and that you hope she can understand.
Do nothing and assume FINE means it's ok. Seriously, how retarded can you guys get?? GET THE HINTS!
We're pissed because we don't get what we what it just shows how bloody insensitive the guys are.
2) b. Fine ^.^ **10% of the time** (Things to note: slight smile, happy tone, usually with "it's" in front)
Seriously, it's fine. We're ok with it.
3) You won't understand
We are confused. Even we sometimes don't understand why we're upset and all. Blame it on our explosive hormones. But even if we do, we are not really in the mood to tell you. Another scenario would be that we have one mountain of rants and we think that the guys are totally incapable of understanding.
Insist that they understand and try to pray information out. Like HELLOOOO. Don't act smart. Sometimes it's better if you keep questions to yourself. TIP: say things like "Baby, I probably won't understand, but i'm here to listen."
We're pissed because we are annoyed at the constant bugging of answers.
4) Am I fat?
We're actually hoping for a positive answer like "no hon, you are not fat. You're beautiful." or something along that line. Sometimes, we girls just need some ego booster.
Say vague/general stuff like "you're beautiful in my eyes" LIKE OMFG, does that mean we're ugly in other peoples' eyes?? We don't just wanna be pretty for our man, we also want to be pretty everywhere else!
We're pissed because we suddenly feel less attractive :((
So there you have it.
Saturday, October 27, 2012 @ 5:15 PM / 0 daisies
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